is like coming home!
Experience the unique encounter of Bayou Country in a clean environment at Victor Guarisco Lake End Park. Towering cypress trees and stately Live Oaks provide shade as you stroll along a one mile long paved path.
Situated on Lake Palourde, this beautiful park offers bank or pier fishing, a boat launch and a marina with 47 slips (monthly and yearly rental rates are available). 147 RV Sites, 20 Tent Sites, and 3 Pavilions are also available.
147 RV Sites,20 Tent Sites, 3 Pavilions.
Miles of interconnected waterways offer wonderful fishing opportunities. Boaters can access a Bass fishing paradise through Bayou Boeuf, Flat Lake, Lake Verret, Six Mile Lake, Lower Atchafalaya River, Bayou Long, Duck Lake and others.
fun for the whole family!

Activities & Amenities
explore things to do and see!

Local Info
St Mary Parish
Morgan City Tourist Center
725 Myrtle Street
Morgan City, LA
8:00-4:00 daily
(985) 384-3343
Cajun Coast Visitors Center
900 Dr. MLK Blvd.
Morgan City, LA
9:00-5:00 Mon-Fri
9:00-3:00 Sat-Sun
(985) 380-8224
Franklin Visitor Center
15301 Hwy Hwy 90 W
Franklin, LA